A Special Hug from Heaven
Last Sunday, I was left with 3 minutes to teach our children’s singing time. No exaggeration.
After being asked to sub late Saturday evening, I stayed up past midnight getting ready, making charts, printing things, learning ASL, and preparing my transitions and testimony moments.
I had lots of really fun and meaningful activities planned, and I was so ready! I hadn’t filled in for a couple of months, so I was so excited to sing with the children.
And then I was given 3 minutes.
Even worse, I felt so rushed in those 3 minutes that I didn’t even do a good job with the time I was given.
I was so upset I could literally have cried.
As I walked down the hall towards the parking lot, I felt completely defeated. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, and I place no blame on the sweet ladies who lead our children’s program. That said, my feelings were real and valid.
In the midst of my sadness, something happened: I heard the sweet children in my best friend’s congregation singing one of my songs in their primary program. I snuck inside the chapel and sat on the chair by the door. Immediately I was filled with so much joy and love and purpose.
Their singing–mixed with a little bit of exuberant yelling–was exactly what I needed at that moment and the perfect way for Heavenly Father to comfort me. It brought tears to my eyes and a huge smile to my face.
I texted my friend when I got home asking her to pass on my thanks to her primary children. She replied with:
“You know what’s so crazy?! When they were singing it you came to my mind and I was wishing you could hear them, and you did! I’m so so glad! God is good and has amazing ways of letting us know he KNOWS what we are going through! I think he was giving you a big hug and telling you in that moment that you make such a HUGE impact in the lives of so many children- and the songs you write will sustain and deepen their testimonies in the hard times of their adult lives!”
Next time you feel defeated, discouraged, or disregarded, trust that Heavenly Father is aware of you and what you are going through and know that He is reaching out in His own ways to send His love.

Thank you for sharing this story. God sure loves us. We are singing two of your songs for our upcoming primary program. I wish you could have heard the cheers when the review game spinner landed on "The Liahona" last week--it's their favorite song to sing.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful story and reminder of the Fathers love for us. We do love the songs you are putting out, continue to be a vessel!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful message. Thank you for your inspired music. Your songs teach important gospel principles to the children and touch my heart. You truly have a gift!
Rinda Christensen