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Picture reveal for "Did Jesus Really Live Again?"



1. Put the pictures on the board, symbol side facing toward you.

2. Sing through the song, pointing at each page.  I encourage the children to do an action that corresponds with the image.

3. Immediately sing through the song again, turning over every other image you go.

4. Immediately sing through the song again, turning over the rest of the images.

5. Bear a short testimony.


I love this activity because it is EASY and FAST, and the children (even the rowdy ones) are very reverent.  It is great to use after a complicated rhythm pattern to close out a singing time.


**I suggest printing the picture side first, then laying them out and feeding it back through your printer to print the other side.  Use a test page for the first one of the "symbol" side to make sure that you are feeding the pages into the printer in the correct order and orientation. 

Did Jesus Really Live Again? - picture reveal


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